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    Registration Details
  • Member names can be any combination of letters, numbers, underscores and hyphens, up to 15 characters in length. Spaces, Accents and other punctuation are not permitted.
  • PLEASE BE CAREFUL TO USE A VALID EMAIL ADDRESS: you will have to validate your email address once registered to gain site access.
  • You will need this to edit your profile or retrieve your messages. Passwords must be between 4 and 15 characters long.
  • Please re-enter the password as entered above.
  • Required Account Details
  • Wild Times
    A Bit of Fun
    My Soulmate
    Something Else
  • Please enter a few words about yourself, tell us who you are, who your looking for and what type of characteristics you look for in your perfect partner.
  • Upload a photo
  • Maximum size: 1Mb, minimum size: 105 x 105 pixels, format jpeg or png.

    Recommendation: for best results we recommend you select a photo that highlights your face, you should be easily recognizable, alone, and facing the camera
  • Agreement
  • I have read, understood and agree to abide by the Terms + Conditions of use
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